DataLif Engine 7.0 Final Release
Have been prepared and implemented the following changes: 1. For more rapid and understandable perception preferences of user groups in adminpaneli have been divided into thematic tabs.
2. Now it's possible abandonment of the homepage address of an empty site. In this case, the script will automatically determine where it is installed and use appropriate ways. This innovation is useful if you use odnovrennoy parked domains or work site in the local network and the Internet, because ostavatsya visitor will always be within the domain to which he has gone and will not be when navigating the site to move to the domain referenced by the script settings.
3. Added the ability to download images on the server to set up or editing static pages. When removing static pages downloaded images also automatically removed.
4. In setting user groups added to authorize or prohibit downloading of images to the server. By doing so, now may hold more fine-tuning who are allowed to download pictures and who does not.
5. In setting user groups added to authorize or prohibit downloading various files on a server. By doing so, now may hold more fine-tuning who not only allowed to upload pictures, but also different files to the server.
6. Now it is possible, when you add news from the site, not only to upload images to a server, but also other files that are allowed by site for downloading, provided that for this group to allow files. In this way, your visitors, while adding news not only to upload pictures to it, but such materials and videos.
7. Added support script quotes in the module "filter words" to the desired phrases.
8. On the main page adminpaneli added a reference to the editing of news awaiting moderation, while in the transition from this link in the list of news will only news that await moderation. Also added preservation parameters exhibited in an expanded search for returning to news after news editing.
9. Now it is possible in group settings to allow or prohibit users to use the signature in the comments.
10. Now it is possible in group settings to allow or prohibit users to use clickable links in the comments, profile or personal communications. In order to prevent spam, you can publish links to permit only a proven user groups.
11. Now it is possible to specify in your profile setting multiple IP addresses or subnets with which the authorization is permitted on the site under the login data. In so doing, you can specify multiple sub-networks safe, such as home subnet and working. The maximum you can specify IP addresses 15.
12. Added ability to view all the latest news added, regardless of whether they appear on the home or not. This feature is useful for sites that publish in the main, not all news and news does not get much to the home page. View all news is carried out at when the NPC and NPC when off.
13. Improving the cache system site, added caching such actions as viewing the latest news, view the catalogue, viewing news for a certain day.
14. Significantly increased speed of the script when viewing pages with the latest news and brief comments as well as significantly reduced load on the server with MySQL. This optimization was dostugnuta by lifting MySQL queries to the server for calculating the total number of news in the formation of navigating the pages.
15. New mechanisms to protect the site from programs designed to automatically uploads news sites.
16. Added the ability to choose and insert a large number of pictures uploaded to the server when you add one click news.
17. According to numerous wishes changed the principle of formation and display navigation on the news pages. Applies the same principle as when editing news adminpaneli.
18. Changed navigation bar on the commentary in the news. Now displays not a complete list of all pages, as well as news on 10 pages. In so doing, navigation has become more comfortable in the news where a lot of comments.
19. When editing the user in finding IP adminpaneli added that user as well as links to search other users with similar IP address.
20. In setting the script added the possibility of appointing order sort of news viewing catalogue. Thus the criterion sort of news viewing catalogue of more independent of the general preferences for news.
21. In setting the script added the possibility of establishing a number of found similar news when viewing the full news website.
22. Sponsor for the module send the site to correct problems with kirilitsey in some mail clients.
23. Added to choose the type of links to the full NPC news. All three options are available: C indicating the categories in the URL, without specifying the categories and the old type that was used earlier, using the date in the URL.
24. Added automatic meter news update the user whose news script automatically removed if expired news publication.
25. Added the ability to quickly search for similar news when adding or editing news in adminpaneli, thereby greatly facilitated the process ezmlm large number of news. Search a news done using technology AJAX.
26. In adminpanel while editing news added mass appointment today for selected news.
27. Added the possibility of limiting the maximum number of news that site visitors can add to the moderation.
28. The bug in the filter words, which leads to the emergence of incorrect tags in the news when editing, if the word in the filter is intended for disposal.
29. The bug where when viewing category whose own parameters sort of news, as happened redirection settings to sort and tag (custom ...)
30. Fixed all the previously declared and small errors in the script.
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